Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Note #3

Ok so I've finally come up with a topic for my research project. I thought it would help me rest easier. It hasn't. Now I'm incredibly stressed by the amount of data I have to find and organize. It's so much work. More then I could have imagined. I have about three weeks to finish and no idea how I'm gonna do it. It doesn't help that I have to do so much traveling.

Now speaking of traveling. Just the thought of leaving my home and returning to school always gives me a panic attack. It gets harder and harder to leave. I thought it'd get easier. I guess I'm also just too codependent on Paul. I love being here with him and every single weekend I ask myself why I chose to go to grad school in the first place.

Anyway back to the project. It's driving me insane! Anyone wanna help me gather/clean my data?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Note #2

Well I've been thinking, and as much as wanted to push this thought to the back of my mind I'm unfortunately thinking more and more that in less the a week I'll have to be back in San Diego. Who's genius idea was it? I absolutely hate grad school. As much as I feel that I'm getting smarter and becoming a better me, I also can't help but hate every single second of everyday I spend there. Now my dumb homework is due. No matter how much I try to put it off there isn't going to be any avoiding it. How am I supposed to attempt to start it? I wish I was self employed and actually made a decent living doing so. Hmmm what should I invent? What can I do to make it a reality? Basically my biggest stress comes from school. I think I need to take a xanax. I'm starting to feel panicky once again. What to do? Can someone please just go finish school for me?....just kill me now.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

First Note

Well I figured since I have insomnia and take forever to fall asleep, I might as well write about the random things that race through my mind and keep me from falling into that magical state known as sleep. Mostly this is just a place for me to rant. Anyway, anyone suffering from insomnia knows just how much it sucks. It's absolutely the worst feeling ever. I hate being so freaking exhausted and not ever being able to fall asleep. So let's see, what's on my mind tonight:
Even though I'm on spring break, I can't seem to get school work out of my head. I keep thinking about my research project and how I have no clue what it is I wanna know. No topic in sight and it's due relatively soon so any suggestions?...Please?...Anyone?...I also have an annoying manuscript review that's due next week and have no clue how to do one. I'm not terribly worried about that though. I took a mid term right before break and have yet to get my grade. Can my professor please hurry up?
Moving on: I've been procrastinating with this whole passport situation. Time to finally get one! Seems like a long/tedious process though :/.
Ahhhh! So much laundry to do as well. Man oh man.

I know most these things aren't very important, but they still rob me off my sleep. I'm so tired. Hopefully now that I've put these thought here I can fall asleep.

Goodnight world...(hopefully)